The Cochabamba Water Wars: An Interview with Oscar Olivera (2011)
The Bolivian Water Wars were a series of protests and civil unrest against the privatization of water and rising water rates in the city of Cochabamba, primarily in 2000. This interview was conducted…
Luddites Protest (1812)
During the Industrial Revolution in England, textile workers protested against the rise of machinery that took their jobs and reduced their wages. The factory heads and upper class started to push wor…
The Great Berkeley Rent Strike – Berkeley Tenants Union (1969)
The Berkeley Tenants Union was established in 1969 and sought to organize low-income tenants to join in protest against rent increases, eviction, and poor housing conditions. This document is a flyer…
Message From Democracy Village (2010)
In 2010, anti-Afghanistan War activists turned Parliament Square in London into a protest camp, renaming the square “Democracy Village.” Over the course of the occupation, between May 1st and July…
Dalit Panthers Manifesto (1973)
As the quote below indicates, the Dalit Panthers were a group shaped after some of the ideologies of the Black Panthers. Dalits are know as untouchables and they are at the very bottom of the caste sy…
Declaration of the Occupation of New York City (2011)
During the aftermath of the Great Recession, between September 17 and November 15, 2011, the Occupy Wall Street movement occurred in opposition to economic inequality, corporate greed, money in politi…
Workers! Students! – Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire (1968)
Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire, a French Trotskyist organization, wrote this piece, describing the transition from a student revolt into a general strike of workers contesting capitalist society…
An Eyewitness Account by a Libertarian Communist (1968)
This document is a firsthand account of the events that occurred in Paris, France during the May 1968 time of unrest. The anonymous author describes the various strikes, occupations, and other actions…
Paris, France, beginning in May of 1968 was a city filled with general strikes, demonstrations, and occupations of universities and factories by students and workers. In this piece, the Enragé-Situat…
Dump Veolia Campaign
The BDS, Boycott Divestment and Sanctions organization, is an organization that uses tactics such as boycotting certain companies/brands to curb further investment into Israel. One of their most succe…
Lysistrata Project (2003)
In 2003, there were many protests around the war in Iraq. In a widely popular move of disruption and protest against this war, two actors in New York created a way for people across the world to show…
Extinction Rebellion Occupation of Insurance Firms – Extinction Rebellion (2024)
This is a news article by Extinction Rebellion (XR) detailing the occupation of the offices of five major insurers within the City of London by various XR protesters. Activists occupied the lobbies of…
Birthright Unplugged
Birthright Unplugged is an organization that aimed to give people a perspective on what the Palestinian people endured throughout their occupation. During this program, participants meet with Palestin…
Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Position Paper – American Indian Movement and Rosebud Sioux (1972)
In 1972, AIM activists and members of the Rosebud Sioux organized the Trail of Broken Treaties and Pan American Native Quest for Justice. This demonstration brought caravans of Native Americans from a…
May Day Belongs to the People of the World – Student and Youth for a People’s Peace (1971)
This piece is a call to action for individuals to join in the civil disobedience measures that will be taking place beginning on May 1, 1971 and continuing until a peace treaty is implemented by the N…
May Day Tactical Manual – Student and Youth for a People’s Peace (1971)
This is a manual published in advance of the 1971 May Day protests in Washington D.C. It describes how to carry out civil disobedience actions in opposition to the Vietnam War. Information on non-viol…
Young Lords Socialist Medicine
The Young Lords Party identifies the disparities of the United States health system, which neglects the needs of the oppressed in the Bronx.
The Young Lords Party: 13-Point Program and Platform
In a 13-Point Program and Platform, the Young Lords Party declared their fight for self-determination for Puerto Ricans inside and outside the United States.
Shields Barricades and Words of Wisdom from Puerto Rico – Disruption Project (2020)
A love letter to US activists from Puerto Rico, giving advice on barricades, assemblies, and wresting the street from police control.
Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey – Brandon Jourdan (2013)
Short documentary filmed at the height of the 2013 Turkish Uprising focusing on the liberated zone of Taksim Square and the neighborhood assemblies in its aftermath.
“We are not a movement of an -ism” – Paris (May 1968)
In this document, students and workers in Paris in May 1968 explain that reforms are not enough. Destruction and permanent revolution is necessary for the people to prevail.
Workers, Students! – Paris (May 1968)
This document, written during the events in Paris during May 1968, calls for students and workers to continue the resistance, continue the occupations, and keep their power.
Occupy Melbourne Leaflet (2011)
This leaflet from Occupy Melbourne describes the ways in which the Occupy movement has freed its participants from the reigns of capitalism.
Don’t Move, Occupy! (2013)
Mehmet Döşemeci analyzes global uprisings of 2011 and the occupation of public space in order to outline a theory of social arrest.
Occupy Wall Street – Students (2011)
This document declares the occupation of student, university spaces during Occupy Wall Street.
Third Statement on Uprisings in Turkey (2013)
This statement, written by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF – Revolutionary Anarchist Action), discusses the ongoing occupations in Gezi Park and Taksim Square, particularly the police violence agains…
Fourth Statement on Uprisings in Turkey (2013)
This statement, issued by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF – Revolutionary Anarchist Action), describes the uprisings that spread across Turkey in 2013. It includes details of violence that protestors…
Sixth Statement on Uprisings in Turkey (2013)
This statement, made by the Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF – Revolutionary Anarchist Action) describes occupations and uprisings in Turkey, including Gezi Park. It is an account of actions, motivati…
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Leader Ghassan Kanafani Interview (1970)
In this interview, Kanafani rejects a westernized perception of the events, where the PLFP is engaged in a civil war, and instead incorporates fascism, and the history of exploitation of his people in…
The Philippine Communist Party: Establish Underground Local Governments (1950)
As a way to overthrow the imperialist rule by both American and Japanese governments that had persisted in the Philippines for years, the Philippine Communist Party encouraged citizens to form local u…
You Do Need A Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows by Shin’ya Ono (1969)
“What I would like to go into here is how the Chicago action, and the Weatherman logic behind it, made, and still makes, compelling sense…”
One Fine Day by Klaas Bense (2011)
The following video is an excerpt that follows Maria Jesus Sanhueza, a student protester during the 2006 Penguin Revolution in Chile.
Extinction Rebellion (2018-now)
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a decentralized global protest group dedicated to raising awareness for biodiviersity loss and climate change, as well as persuading governments to enact policies that res…
The Red Rebel Brigade (2019-now)
We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in, we make a bubble and calm the storm, we are peace in the midst of war. We are who the people have forg…
“A cop sleeps inside each one of us. We must kill him.” The graffiti of the French May 1968 Uprising
A collection of slogans spray-painted on the walls and halls of Paris – May 1968.
Temporary Autonomous Zone – Hakim Bey (1985)
Anarchist text by Hakim Bey about creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control. From Pirate Utopias to Nomadic Bands, Poetic Terrorism to Ontological Anarchy, Hakim Bey draws on h…
Raise Three Fingers for Democracy (2021)
This website was created by Myanmar artists as a way to unify the global art community in support of the protesters in Myanmar
CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) Demands – 2020
The Demands of the police-free Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone established in Seattle, USA on 8 June during the height of the 2020 Black Lives Matter Uprising. These included the abolition of the city’s…
In Defense of Self Defense (1967)
The Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California, in 1966, and originally was called The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. It was a militant, leftist group in support of Black Liberation…
Statement to the Red Aid Teach-In (1972)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Andreas Baader: Letter to the Press (1972)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
The Urban Guerilla Concept (1971)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
The People’s Church – The Young Lords (1969)
Account of the Young Lords occupation of a seldom used church to create space for free children’s breakfast program, a liberation school, and a people’s day care center.
The Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide – MTL Counter Info (2012)
How to occupy a building. Tips and tactics on entry, sealing the building, access, and defense against eviction.
A Recipe for Nocturnal Direct Actions! – MTL Counter-Info (2017)
Step-by-Step guide for covering your tracks including scouting, prep, CCTV evasion, DNA Forensics, and arrest.
Art Front Magazine (1937)
The Art Front was a magazine first published by the Artists Union of New York as a response to Nelson Rockefeller’s destruction of a mural by Diego Rivera in 1934. Politically, the Artists Union and t…
From Protest to Resistance (1968)
Published by leftist journalist Ulrike Meinhof, “From Protest to Resistance” aims to inspire protestors to take up more forceful resistance against the right and the state.
A Terrorist Call for “Building a Red Army” (1970)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Scouting Manual For Activists – The Ruckus Society (2016)
A basic overview of scouting techniques including cover stories, useful equipment, and what to look out for when planning everything from a blockade to a banner drop.
Occupy Oakland: The Port Shutdown – Jack Gerson (2012)
Gerson discusses the transition of Occupy Movement from occupation of Public Squares to Port Blockades and the disruption of global commodity circulation.
The Political Invention of the Feminist Strike – L. Cavallero & V. Gago (2021)
Luci Cavallero and Verónica Gago discuss the March 8th feminist strike in Argentina in both global and historical context. They argue that the strike disrupts multiple domains of patriarchal society…
A Letter to All Defenders of the Revolution – Paris Commune (1871)
This letter, written in 1871, calls on “the republicans of the world” to support the Paris Commune and rise up against the common enemy.
POPaganda: The Art and Crimes of Ron English (2006)
“Bombarded by relentless advertising in a growing culture of junk, one man-activist/artist Ron English-dares to hijack corporate advertising, challenging us to change the sham of reality…Ron takes t…