Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a national student activist organization in the US during the 1960s that sought to establish a New Left focused on civil rights, peace, and universal economic security. In 1965, SDS held a mass sit-in at the White House to protest the Vietnam War. This document is a flyer for the event, detailing the various demands, plans, and sponsors of the group.
Open Letter from Students for Justice in Palestine to Universities (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of RefusalThis letter was released by Students for Justice in Palestine on April 21, 2024. In the document, SJP lays out its mission, sets forth various demands, expresses solidarity with SJPs across the country, and makes clear its determination to reclaim student power on campus to pursue justice and liberation for the people of Palestine.
The Written Resistance #3 – Students for Justice In Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Blockade/Barricade, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionThis is the third edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. The importance of discomfort, the global struggle against imperialism, information on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, accounts of personal experiences, various calls to action, and other important topics were included in the newsletter.
The Written Resistance #2 – Students for Justice In Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Blockade/Barricade, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionThis is the second edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. Smiling as an act of resistance, Palestinian educational institutions, the role of US students and workers in the struggle for Palestine, decolonization as a practice, recommendations for student organizing, and other topics were included in the newsletter.
A Call to Bucknell Faculty, Staff, and Students – Bucknell Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Strike, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of Disruption, The BourgeoisieThis is a statement made by the Students for Justice in Palestine at Bucknell University (BUSJP), located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. The group set forth four demands for the university including disclosing the identities of all donors and investment portfolios, divesting from companies that fund the Israeli government, denouncing Israel and the repression of university students across the country who support Palestine, as well as detaching from corporate partnerships that support the genocide. Additionally, BUSJP calls on everyone at the university to join the student movement and participate in the strike by withholding their labor.
“If there is no functioning university in Gaza, there should be no functioning university here.”
The Written Resistance #1 – National Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Blockade/Barricade, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionThis is the first edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. The right to resist, a history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, information on the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) and the Palestinian Feminist Collective movements, accounts of personal experiences, various calls to action, and other topics were included in the newsletter.
Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionIn this piece, Palestine Solidarity Groups at Harvard University take a stand against the violence committed against Palestinians and call on the Harvard community to take action. This is a part of a string of pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the United States against both the Israel-Hamas War and the financial ties these various universities have with Israel.
Press Release – Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionThis is a press release from the Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine’s Twitter page. In the document, the organization demands their voices be heard, likens their quest for liberation to that of the Civil Rights Movement and other anti-war protests, as well as vows to remain in place until their demands are met. These demands include a complete divestment of all finances linked to the Israeli apartheid in Palestine, complete transparency of all of Columbia’s financial investments, and amnesty for everyone at the university who has been penalized for participating in the movement for Palestinian liberation.
Call to Action – National Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
2011-Present, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionThis was a call to action posted on the social media accounts of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on April 19, 2024. In the document, the National SJP criticizes the decision of the universities to choose profit and reputation over the lives of those in Palestine and the will of the students. The organization expresses solidarity with other chapters of SJP across the nation and calls on them for continued action.
Press Release from The New School Students for Justice in Palestine
2011-Present, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Imperialism, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of DisruptionOver the past weeks at various universities across the United States, students have erected encampments to demand action to end Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip. These protests have arisen on the campuses of some of the US’ highest academic institutions, including Harvard and Columbia. This document is a press release from The New School Students for Justice in Palestine, a student-organization at The New School in New York City. In the press release, they expressed their solidarity with other student protesters across the country, described why they established the encampment, detailed the rich history of student protest at the school, and set forth a list of demands for the university. Some of these demands included a complete divestment from all corporations that benefit from and are complicit in the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people, greater protection for pro-Palestinian protesters, a full academic boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, among others.

Workers! Students! – Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire (1968)
1946-1989, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Occupation, Privatization, Strike, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Subjects Redefined, Tactics of Disruption, The Bourgeoisie, The Workplace, Urban Spaces, WorkersJeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire, a French Trotskyist organization, wrote this piece, describing the transition from a student revolt into a general strike of workers contesting capitalist society during the May 1968 events. The organization included a list of demands and called on other workers and students to join them in the future actions they will take in their fight against the current system.
We Are Still Here (2009)
1990-2010, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Subjects Redefined, Tactics of Disruption, The Bourgeoisie, We're Not Paying That, White SupremacyThis is a communique from the occupation of a business administration building at San Francisco State University in the fall of 2009. Occupiers were protesting budget cuts and fee increases. In this communique, students connect their movement to anti-racist and labor movements, to the protests against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the occupation of Alcatraz Island by the Indians of All Nations, as well as to the wider struggle against capital.
“Although occupation, or reclaiming space, is not a historically new idea, it is a new form of struggle for many of those disillusioned with the promises of lobbying, those too tired of petitioning “our” elected leaders, those who have lost all faith in politics as they know it. As direct actions like these redefine socially-acceptable modes of protest, occupations themselves redefine the power-relations at the site of struggle.”
Voices from Wheeler Hall (2009)
1990-2010, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Occupation, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Subjects Redefined, Tactics of Disruption, The Bourgeoisie, We're Not Paying ThatThis document contains excerpts from the zine created after the occupation of Wheeler Hall at the University of California, Berkeley on November 20, 2009. The occupation was the apex of three days of demonstration after the University of California’s Board of Regents had voted to raise student fees by 32%. Rather than issue a communique, the occupiers chose to have their individual statements gathered into a zine composition.
“We will take buildings, streets, and all that is necessary until we are free and rid of this bureaucratic, authoritarian, and unjust structure…We will occupy, we will appropriate, and in turn, we will liberate.”
Nuclear Waste Shipment Meets Massive Resistance in Germany – Skyler Simmons (2006)
1990-2010, Blockade/Barricade, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Occupation, Tactics of Disruption, The 'Natural World'An article, found in the January-February 2007 issue of the Earth First! Journal, details the diversity of tactics French and German farmers, students, environmental activists, and anarchists, among others took in November of 2006 in an attempt to shut down a nuclear waste shipment traveling between the two countries. Sit-ins, erections of burning barricades, parked tractors in the path of the train were some of the tactics employed, in addition to actions taken to derail the police guarding the route, ultimately delaying the shipment and increasing nuclear waste transportation costs.
Newsletter by the Free Speech Movement (November 10, 1964)
1946-1989, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of RefusalThe Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–65 academic year at the University of California, Berkeley. Students protested the ban of on-campus political activities and asserted their right to free speech and academic freedom. This is a newsletter from the FSM published November 10th, 1964.
Newsletter by the Free Speech Movement (November 2, 1964)
1946-1989, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of RefusalThe Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–65 academic year at the University of California, Berkeley. Students protested the ban of on-campus political activities and asserted their right to free speech and academic freedom. This is a newsletter from the FSM published November 2nd, 1964.
Newsletter by the Free Speech Movement (October 20, 1964)
1946-1989, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of RefusalThe Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–65 academic year at the University of California, Berkeley. Students protested the ban of on-campus political activities and asserted their right to free speech and academic freedom. This is a newsletter from the FSM published October 20th, 1964.
Newsletter From the Free Speech Movement (October 9 1964)
1946-1989, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Students, Subjectives of RefusalThe Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–65 academic year at the University of California, Berkeley. Students protested the ban of on-campus political activities and asserted their right to free speech and academic freedom. This is a newsletter from the FSM published October 9th, 1964.
“The Combat is Also Ours!” – Paris (May 1968)
1946-1989, Date, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, WorkersThis document, written by the Parti Socialiste Unifié in May 1968, explains the unity between the struggles of workers and students.
“because the student’s struggle against the bourgeois university is the same as that of the workers against the capitalist regime… because only the unified action of students, workers and farmers can allow the popular movement to realize its final goal: the establishment of a power in the service of workers.”
“We are not a movement of an -ism” – Paris (May 1968)
1946-1989, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Urban Spaces, WorkersIn this document, students and workers in Paris in May 1968 explain that reforms are not enough. Destruction and permanent revolution is necessary for the people to prevail.
We currently live in a pre-revolutionary time, hence one of destruction. This permanent struggle, engine of all true progress, will arrive at the revolution, a positive reality, but in no way definitive, for there is no established revolution. And so we say that THE REVOLUTION WILL BE PERMANENT OR IT WILL NOT BE AT ALL.
Workers, Students! – Paris (May 1968)
1946-1989, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Institutions, Occupation, Self Institution, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Subjects Redefined, Tactics of Disruption, The Workplace, Urban Spaces, WorkersThis document, written during the events in Paris during May 1968, calls for students and workers to continue the resistance, continue the occupations, and keep their power.
“We must continue to the very end!
We occupy the faculties, the offices, the factories!
We will stay there!
Occupy Wall Street – Students (2011)
2011-Present, Alternative Spaces, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Occupation, Privatization, Self Institution, Students, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of Disruption, The Bourgeoisie, Urban SpacesThis document declares the occupation of student, university spaces during Occupy Wall Street.
“We join a long tradition of student activism and struggle. We the indebted and the future unemployed and underemployed stand committed to this movement for our collective lives.”
SDS Fire (1969)
1946-1989, Consciousness Raising, Date, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of Disruption, WorkersOn December 6, 1969, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) published these writings. They cover a variety of topics including revolution, military conquest, and justice. It is a deep critique of the United States in which it sentences the United States government “to death.” Additionally, it identifies other enemies such as capitalism and imperialism. Overall, they aim to destroy bourgeois consciousness and create new revolutionary ways of living.
During the 1960’s the Amerikan government was on trial for crimes against the people of the world. We now find the government guilty and sentence it to death in the streets.
“Student Slain” Flyer (1967)
1946-1989, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, Students, Subjectives of RefusalIn 1967, student Benno Ohnesorg was killed at a protest against the Shah of Iran visiting Germany. Shocked by his killing by the police, the German Social Democratic Student Association (SHB) released this flyer, condemning the violence of the state