The Red Rebel Brigade (2019-now)

2011-Present, Blockade/Barricade, Consciousness Raising, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Tactics of Disruption, Urban Spaces

Red Rebel Brigade symbolises the common blood we share with all species,

That unifies us and makes us one.

As such we move as one, act as one and more importantly feel as one.

We are unity and we empathise with our surroundings, we are forgiving

We are sympathetic and humble, compassionate and understanding,

We divert, distract, delight and inspire the people who watch us,

We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in, we make a bubble and calm the storm, we are peace in the midst of war.

We are who the people have forgotten to be!

The Red Rebel Brigade is a subset of Exinction Revolution. This group uses performative art as spectacle to disrupt daily life. Their goal is to draw attention to the ongoing climate crisis and to foster solidarity.

Introduction to Anarchy Comics by Jay Kinney (2012)

1990-2010, Consciousness Raising, Date, Tactics of Disruption, Uncategorized

Anarchy Comics is a series of underground comic books that were anarchist and satirical, criticising mainstream society. The first three issues were edited by Jay Kinney and the fourth by Paul Mavrides, and the contributers included anarchist artists of the times, such as Spain Rodriguez and Gilbert Shelton. The first issue of Anarchy Comics can be found here.

Anarchy Comics: Issue 1 by Jay Kinney (1978)

1946-1989, Consciousness Raising, Date, Tactics of Disruption, Uncategorized

Anarchy Comics is a series of underground comic books that were anarchist and satirical, criticising mainstream society. The first three issues were edited by Jay Kinney and the fourth by Paul Mavrides, and the contributers included anarchist artists of the times, such as Spain Rodriguez and Gilbert Shelton. An introduction to Anarchy Comics, written by Jay Kinney, can be found here.

Processed World Magazine by Chris Carlsson, Adam Cornford, Greg Williamson (1981-2005)

1990-2010, Consciousness Raising, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Subjectives of Refusal, Tactics of Disruption, The Workplace, Workers

Processed World Magazine was established to foster unity among office workers, temps and any creatives who were being alienated by the processed world of the workplace. This file is the first issue of the magazine. More issues can be found here.

POPaganda: The Art and Crimes of Ron English (2006)

1990-2010, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Sabotage/Ecotage, Tactics of Disruption, Urban Spaces

Directed by Pedro Carvajal and Edited by Kevin Chapados


“Bombarded by relentless advertising in a growing culture of junk, one man-activist/artist Ron English-dares to hijack corporate advertising, challenging us to change the sham of reality…Ron takes traditional advertising hostage, subverting familiar images and words into confrontational art.”

Running time: 1 hr 18 min

Towards a Semiological Guerrilla Warfare by Umberto Eco (1986)

1946-1989, Consciousness Raising, Disruptive Spaces, Infrastructure/Data, Sabotage/Ecotage, Tactics of Disruption

Orignially a lecture given at the University of Florence, this essay deals with semiotics, or a study of language and symbols. Eco argues that controlling the message is less important than controlling the possible interpretations of the message. To disrupt the mainstream mass media, Eco suggests using guerilla tactics, such as cultural jamming, against mass media.

Information is no longer an instrument for producing economic merchandise, but has itself become the cheif merchandise. Communication has been transformed into heavy industry.

We decided to call our magazine Adbusters by Adbusters (2020)

2011-Present, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Infrastructure/Data

Created in 1989 by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz, the Adbusters magazine was created as an act of rebellion against consumer culture. Rather than allowing media to be a reflection of daily life, the creators of this magazine were attempting to transform media into a catalyst for change.

Media Burn by Ant Farm (1975)

1946-1989, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Infrastructure/Data

The aim of this video is to transform media from something that dominates to something that is used for liberation. This artwork demonstrates distruction of the television to emphasize the consumers capitulation to both an invasive media and a media that transforms subject to object.

Television, becuause of its technology and the way it must be used, can only produce autocratic political forms, hierarchies and hopeless alienation.