How to Throw a Squatted Dance Party – Anonymous (2018)

2011-Present, Alternative Spaces, Date, Defining the Enemy, Disruptive Spaces, Occupation, Privatization, Self Institution, Tactics of Disruption, The Bourgeoisie

This is a step-by-step anonymous guide published on CrimethInc.’s website detailing how to throw a squatted dance party. Information on gear, location, how to promote the event, handling the authorities, among other important instructions are included in the document.

Locking Down with Lockboxes – CrimethInc. (2012)

2011-Present, Blockade/Barricade, Date, Occupation, Tactics of Disruption

This is a step-by-step guide published by CrimethInc. on how to utilize lockboxes when conducting a blockade. Information on equipment, design instructions, planning stages, handling legal consequences, as well as other material is described and illustrated in the document.

A Civilian’s Guide to Direct Action – CrimethInc. (2017)

2011-Present, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Uncategorized

This piece is a step-by-step guide published by CrimethInc. on organizing direct action. Common objectives of direct action, how to navigate the initial planning stages, what to do during and after the action, as well as other information is described and illustrated in the document.