29 Ways to Say No! – John Brown Anti-Klan Committee (1989)

1946-1989, Authority, Date, Defining the Enemy, White Supremacy

The John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, founded in 1978, was an anti-racist organization within the United States that took direct actions against the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations in addition to publishing literature on the subject. This document, published by the organization, details 29 ways to resist racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination.

The So-Called Dependency Complex of Colonized Peoples by Frantz Fanon (1952)

1946-1989, Black, Colonized, Date, Defining the Enemy, History/Theory, Imperialism, Subjectives of Refusal, Subjects Redefined, The Bourgeoisie, Theory, White Supremacy

This excerpt is from Black Skin, White Masks, an autoethnography written by Frantz Fanon in 1952. Fanon shares his own experience while relating these experiences to a historical critique of racism and colonization.

Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-Making in Nineteenth-Century America (excerpt) by Saidiya Hartman (1997)

1990-2010, Date, History/Theory, Theory, White Supremacy

This excerpt explains Hartman’s thesis on the omnipresence of terror experience by enslaved people.

What else could jigs danced in command performance be but the gentle indices of domination?

The White Man’s Burden: Historical Origins of Racism in the United States by Winthrop D. Jordan (1974)

Date, Defining the Enemy, History, History/Theory, Pre-Modern, White Supremacy

Professor Jordan uses anecdotes from a multitude of sources to answer the question of: what were the attitude of white men toward black people during the first two centuries of European and African settlement in what became the United States of America?