Palestinian Children: The Generation of Liberation (1970)

1946-1989, Colonized, Date, Subjectives of Refusal

“Palestinian Children: The Generation of Liberation” is a sociological study by Bassem Sirhan, published by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) research center in 1970. The study focused on the liberation tactics used by Palestinian children against the occupation.

The National Liberation Movement Al-Fateh (1960s/70s)

1946-1989, Colonized, Date, Defining the Enemy, Subjectives of Refusal

This document is an outline to familiarize the public with the demands and organization of Fateh, a political party within the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) advocating against the occupation of Palestine. This document has a table of contents, which divides the pamphlet by introduction, followed by the history of the occupation, then the evacuation of Palestinians from the land, leading to the emergence of Al-Fateh as a party. It then goes out to distinguish the aims of the party, their positions, and what lies in their future.

Revoultion Until Victory (1970s)

1946-1989, Colonized, Date, Subjectives of Refusal

“Revolution Unitl Victory” was most likely published in the 1970s, and is a pamphlet which outlines the demands of Palestinians. It includes their intents and achievements, and defines terms such as Zionism and decolonization in the context and Palestine and Israeli. Fateh, whichmore formerly goes by the Palestinian National LIberation Movement, is the largest faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The Fateh party is a social democratic party following a Palestinian nationalism ideology. The party advocates for a secular, two-state solution.