Following the creation of the Young Lords in 1969, two members of the party were murdered by American officials due to their resistance. For years Puerto Rican citizens have been “dying mysteriously” at the hands of United States institutions. In this newspaper article, Young Lords member Juan Gonzalez identifies the enemy of the party: privatization and authority. In order to protect themselves and reject their marginalized position, Gonzales influences members to arm themselves in order to reject the hierarchy of power within United States institutions.
young lords party
Tuberculosis Truck Liberated
1946-1989, Alternative Spaces, Date, Disruptive Spaces, Occupation, Self Institution, Tactics of DisruptionIn July 1970, the Young Lords Party followed through with their commitment to occupy and re-create oppressive medical institutions. On June 17, the Young Lords Party liberated an X-ray truck from the Tuberculosis Society. Before the occupation, members of the Young Lord Party had minimal access to x-ray Tuberculosis testing. In three days, the YLP tested over 770 people. The Young Lords Party made the X-ray truck available to the community seven days a week, 10 hours a day.