The Weapon of Theory (1966)

1946-1989, Colonized, Date, Subjectives of Refusal

Amilcar Cabral delivered this address at the first Tricontinental Conference of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America held in Havana in January, 1966. He discusses the foundations and objectives of national liberation in relation to social structures.

“We will not shout hurrahs or proclaim here our solidarity with this or that people in struggle. Our presence is in itself a cry of condemnation of imperialism and a proof of solidarity with all peoples who want to banish from their country the imperialist yoke, and in particular with the heroic people of Vietnam. But we firmly believe that the best proof we can give of our anti-imperialist position and of our active solidarity with our comrades in this common struggle is to return to our countries, to further develop this struggle and to remain faithful to the principles and objectives of national liberation.”

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