Battle of Blair Mountain (1921)
The Battle of Blair Mountain is considered to be one of the largest civil uprisings in American history. Thousands of coal miners in Mingo County, West Virginia received terrible wages and horrendous…
How to Sink Whalers, Driftnetters, and Other Environmentally Destructive Ships – Earth First! (n.d.)
This is an in-depth guide provided by Earth First! on how to sink whalers, drift netters, and other environmentally-destructive ships. Necessary tool lists and chronological steps to undertake with di…
Shields Barricades and Words of Wisdom from Puerto Rico – Disruption Project (2020)
A love letter to US activists from Puerto Rico, giving advice on barricades, assemblies, and wresting the street from police control.
Earth First! Direct Action Manual (2015)
Tree-sits, ground blockades, scouting, tunneling, evading, and monkey-wrenching: the most up to date and complete Earth First! manual on defending the planet.
Communique 4 From The Weather Underground(1970)
This communication from the Weather Underground was published on Sept 15, 1970 and explains how they helped political prisoner Dr. Timothy Leary escape.
Temporary Autonomous Zone – Hakim Bey (1985)
Anarchist text by Hakim Bey about creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control. From Pirate Utopias to Nomadic Bands, Poetic Terrorism to Ontological Anarchy, Hakim Bey draws on h…
The Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide – MTL Counter Info (2012)
How to occupy a building. Tips and tactics on entry, sealing the building, access, and defense against eviction.
A Recipe for Nocturnal Direct Actions! – MTL Counter-Info (2017)
Step-by-Step guide for covering your tracks including scouting, prep, CCTV evasion, DNA Forensics, and arrest.
Defend the Territory – Warrior Publications (2014)
Tactics and Techniques for Countering Police Assaults on Indigenous Communities. Covers everything from evading police and crowd control tactics including chemical weapons, water cannons, and armored…