In this piece, Noah Fischer, a founding member of the Occupy Museums movement, examines the group’s efforts to address economic inequality in the art world and promote alternative models of economic e…
This pamphlet critiques the modern university system, claiming that it has become a tool of capitalism designed to produce obedient workers rather than encourage independent thought or true education.…
The Cochabamba Water Wars: An Interview with Oscar Olivera (2011)
The Bolivian Water Wars were a series of protests and civil unrest against the privatization of water and rising water rates in the city of Cochabamba, primarily in 2000. This interview was conducted…
The Written Resistance #3 – Students for Justice In Palestine (2024)
This is the third edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. The importance of discomfort, the global str…
The Written Resistance #2 – Students for Justice In Palestine (2024)
This is the second edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. Smiling as an act of resistance, Palestinia…
Street Demonstration Tips – Montreal Counter-Information (2012)
This is a detailed guide published by Montreal Counter-Information, an anarchist and anti-authoritarian news source, on how to conduct a street demonstration.
Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back (2012)
This is a guide that was distributed by anarchists during the 2012 student strikes and social conflicts in Montreal. The document provides step-by-step instructions on how to form crews, how to create…
The Written Resistance #1 – National Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
This is the first edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. The right to resist, a history of the Israel…
Communique in Support of Port Workers in Northwest – Occupy Oakland (2011)
This is a communique published by Occupy Oakland in solidarity with Longshore workers in Longview, Washington. Occupy Oakland strongly condemns the actions taken by Export Grain Terminal (EGT), as the…
Call for a Coordinated West Coast Port Blockade – Occupy Oakland (2011)
Occupy Oakland, a part of the larger Occupy Movement, published this piece calling for a blockade of all the West Coast Ports in order to shut down operations and disrupt the profits of the 1%. They r…
Paris, France, beginning in May of 1968 was a city filled with general strikes, demonstrations, and occupations of universities and factories by students and workers. In this piece, the Enragé-Situat…
In Time of Crisis – Dave Foreman (1991)
This piece is an excerpt from the book, Confessions of an Eco-Warrior, written in 1991 by Dave Foreman, a co-founder of Earth First!. In this excerpt, Foreman details the principles, practices, and go…
100 Years of Land Struggle – Mike Gouldhawke (2020)
This document is a timeline of Native American resistance in pursuit of land and self-determination between the years of 1921-2020.
We Won This Round: The Cancún WTO Ministerial Summit – Lesley Adams (2003)
This piece was written by an activist at the 2003 ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization in Cancún. Over 10,000 protesters from around the world took action throughout the summit, occ…
Locking Down with Lockboxes – CrimethInc. (2012)
This is a step-by-step guide published by CrimethInc. on how to utilize lockboxes when conducting a blockade. Information on equipment, design instructions, planning stages, handling legal consequence…
Excerpts from a Native Women’s Liberation Front Newsletter (1970)
These excerpts come from a Native Women’s Liberation Front newsletter published in 1970. Four different cases of direct action land struggles waged by various Native American groups are described, i…
Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Position Paper – American Indian Movement and Rosebud Sioux (1972)
In 1972, AIM activists and members of the Rosebud Sioux organized the Trail of Broken Treaties and Pan American Native Quest for Justice. This demonstration brought caravans of Native Americans from a…
May Day Belongs to the People of the World – Student and Youth for a People’s Peace (1971)
This piece is a call to action for individuals to join in the civil disobedience measures that will be taking place beginning on May 1, 1971 and continuing until a peace treaty is implemented by the N…
May Day Tactical Manual – Student and Youth for a People’s Peace (1971)
This is a manual published in advance of the 1971 May Day protests in Washington D.C. It describes how to carry out civil disobedience actions in opposition to the Vietnam War. Information on non-viol…
Mitsubishi Stumped! – NYC Earth First! (1998)
This piece describes the direct actions taken by NYC Earth First! and Wetlands Rainforest Action Group activists at the Mitsubishi International office building. The activists entered the building wit…
Blockade Personal Accounts – Earth First!ers (1983)
This piece consists of personal accounts of three Earth First!ers during their various blockades over the course of a two week period. The blockades occurred in order to stop the continued destruction…
Return to Bald Mountain: The Second Battle of the North Kalmiopsis – Chant Thomas (1987)
A story from Vol. VII, No. IV of the Earth First! Journal that describes the direct actions taken by Oregon Earth First!ers in response to the Siskiyou National Forest’s reneging on an agreement to…
ActUP Staged “Die-In” at Bill De Blasio’s Inauguration
ActUP members stage a Die-In to symbolize those whom the government’s negligence has killed.
Abortion Protest (Redstockings, 1969)
This collection of documents illustrates an abortion protest held by the Redstockings group, a feminist organization. Their two main goals were to first, disrupt the mainstream legislative principles…
What is ALEC? – Project Baldwin (2011)
This is a call to action from Project Baldwin against the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) November meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. Project Baldwin argues that ALEC is an organization…
For the Kimberley: A Glimpse of Recent Resistance (2011)
This article provides dated updates of the tactics of resistance used by activists against the construction of a gas plant and port at James Price Point in the Kimberley region of West Australia. The…
ActUP Activists Lock Al Gore Out of Office
On August 23, 1997, Five activists were arrested after locking down the Old Executive Office Building to deny Al Gore access to proceed with his U.S.-South Africa deal on pharmaceutical access.
AIDS Activism- “By Any Means Necessary”
Kirk Mason urges his AIDS negative and positive community members to refuse the governments death sentence to LGBTQ+ folks living with AIDS.
Running Feet and Roaring Chainsaws in the Mattole – Doctor Zaus (2001)
A member of the Mattole Forest Defenders described the group’s actions against logging plans to cut down the remaining Northern California coastal old-growth Douglas fir trees. Blockade structures…
Declaration of Rebellion – Extinction Rebellion UK (n.d.)
Extinction Rebellion UK published a statement detailing their rebellion against the government, and declaring the nullification of the bonds of the social contract as a result of the government’s fa…
FLARE UP! Niger Delta Women Take on Oil Companies – (2002)
This article, written by an American journalist under a pseudonym, details the actions taken by indigenous intertribal women of Nigeria against US oil companies ChevronTexaco and Shell. These oil comp…
Katuah Earth First! Cashes in Willamette’s Chips – John Johnson and Rich Spencer (1999)
This article describes the tactics used by activists of Katuah Earth First! And EarthCulture to stop the continued chipping of native forests in the Southeast. Activists targeted the Willamette Indust…
Update from the Treetops – (2009)
The article, written by an unnamed farmer participating in the occupation, describes the “tree-village” that has formed in a Humboldt County, California forest. The logging company Green Diamond h…
Direct Action! 101: A Primer – El Lobo Solo (n.d.)
This undated, pseudonymous piece describes how Earth First! employs direct action methods such as civil disobedience and social arrest against those harming the earth. The article teaches how to effec…
We Are at the White House: No Compromises, No Excuses Biden – Sunrise Movement (2021)
A statement by the Sunrise Movement describing the 500 individuals of the organization who occupied every entrance of the White House and the homes of two important senators in 2021, staging a sit-in…
Nuclear Waste Shipment Meets Massive Resistance in Germany – Skyler Simmons (2006)
An article, found in the January-February 2007 issue of the Earth First! Journal, details the diversity of tactics French and German farmers, students, environmental activists, and anarchists, among o…
Shields Barricades and Words of Wisdom from Puerto Rico – Disruption Project (2020)
A love letter to US activists from Puerto Rico, giving advice on barricades, assemblies, and wresting the street from police control.
Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey – Brandon Jourdan (2013)
Short documentary filmed at the height of the 2013 Turkish Uprising focusing on the liberated zone of Taksim Square and the neighborhood assemblies in its aftermath.
Earth First! Direct Action Manual (2015)
Tree-sits, ground blockades, scouting, tunneling, evading, and monkey-wrenching: the most up to date and complete Earth First! manual on defending the planet.
Brochure by the Weather Underground (1969)
This is an organizing pamphlet written by the Weather Underground for a November 15, 1969 anti-war demonstration.
Extinction Rebellion (2018-now)
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a decentralized global protest group dedicated to raising awareness for biodiviersity loss and climate change, as well as persuading governments to enact policies that res…
The Red Rebel Brigade (2019-now)
We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in, we make a bubble and calm the storm, we are peace in the midst of war. We are who the people have forg…
Eviction Defense Toolkit – Anti-Eviction Network – 2020
Step by step guide on organizing an eviction defense including direct actions against Banks, Police, Judges, and Corporate Property Managers.
CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) Demands – 2020
The Demands of the police-free Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone established in Seattle, USA on 8 June during the height of the 2020 Black Lives Matter Uprising. These included the abolition of the city’s…
The People’s Detox (Film) – Jenna Bliss (2018)
n November 1970, Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx was collectively occupied by local heroin addicts, revolutionary health organizations, the Young Lords, and the Black Panther Party. In her 2018 f…
The Coming Insurrection – The Invisible Committee (2009)
Now classic text by French collective – The Invisible Committee describing the present impasse through seven circles of hell and the way out through the insurrectionary commune
Defend the Territory – Warrior Publications (2014)
Tactics and Techniques for Countering Police Assaults on Indigenous Communities. Covers everything from evading police and crowd control tactics including chemical weapons, water cannons, and armored…
How To (Safely) Stop A Train – Bure Polit-Art Collective (2019)
“The interruption of electricity, goods or data streams with the aim of disturbing the functioning of capitalist logic or the infrastructure of the ruling order has always been a form of resistance.…
Scouting Manual For Activists – The Ruckus Society (2016)
A basic overview of scouting techniques including cover stories, useful equipment, and what to look out for when planning everything from a blockade to a banner drop.
10 Steps for Setting Up a Blockade – (2018)
First off, understand that you CAN do this. For the last 18 months groups as small as 8 have been disrupting and occupying pipeline construction sites all over Turtle Island. It takes even fewer than…
Occupy Oakland: The Port Shutdown – Jack Gerson (2012)
Gerson discusses the transition of Occupy Movement from occupation of Public Squares to Port Blockades and the disruption of global commodity circulation.