This 1972 pamphlet, written by Selma James—an American writer, feminist, and social activist who co-founded the International Wages for Housework Campaign—critiques the shortcomings of traditional…
This essay, written by Lenin in 1921 and published in Pravda, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1991, argues that women’s liberation is inherently tied to…
Story of The Last Great Gunfighters – Vietnam War
The following excerpt follows what a Vietnam War veteran, Joseph M. Belardo Sr., went through after his return to the United States after his tour
The Ally – Vietnam War Newspaper 1968
The Ally, a newspaper directed toward the social, political, and humanitarian impacts of the war, provides an interview of a soldier and his interactions while in Vietnam
Sarayaku Court Case(2012)
The indigenous people of Sarayaku were faced with a devastating loss in 1996. The Ecuadorean state gave away a large part of their land to an oil company without consulting the people that were living…
Statement by Al-Fateh to the United Nations General Assembly (1968)
In October 1968, Al-Fateh delivered a statement at the 23rd session of the General Assembly of the UN. In this statement, Al-Fateh compared the Palestinian resistance movement to those against German…
Breaking the Illusion of Scarcity: A Squatter’s Primer (2003)
This piece is a detailed guide on how to squat an unoccupied property. Information on how to find a place, claim squatters’ rights, gain adverse possession, and fix utilities within the space are de…
Females and Welfare (undated)
This essay identifies poor women who serve as heads of their families as the ideal engine for the Women’s Radical Movement: as author Betsy Warrior notes, poor women have both the knowledge of the opp…
What is Socialist Feminism? (1970)
By coining the term “socialist feminism,” members of the group aimed to encompass the way that capitalist realities negatively impacted women–rather than aiming to demolish the family structures that…
Poor White Women (1970)
In this 1970 essay, author Roxanne Dunbar includes an intersectional analysis of the oppression of women, focusing on both gendered and class-based issues. Drawing on her own experience growing up in…
Why I Want a Wife (1971)
This piece of feminist satire by Judy Syfers is not purely comical; rather, it serves to prompt a wife’s male counterpart to consider the value that his wife brings to him, in the sense that she is a…
The Politics of Housework (1970)
Written by Pat Mainardi in 1970, this essay is an analysis of the conversations that commonly arise between women and men, as women try to illuminate the political nature of their social statuses. Spe…
The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm (1968)
In this essay, author and activist Anne Koedt questions the way that conventional sex appeals to and is constructed for women–more accurately, she criticizes the fact that “normal” conceptions of sex…
Lesbians in Revolt (1972)
In 1972, author Charlotte Bunch articulated lesbianism was a political choice that fundamentally threatened male supremacy by challenging the idea that men were crucial to the existence of women. In h…
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised by Gil Scott-Heron (1971)
The revolution will be no re-run, brothers The revolution will be live
Eviction Defense Toolkit – Anti-Eviction Network – 2020
Step by step guide on organizing an eviction defense including direct actions against Banks, Police, Judges, and Corporate Property Managers.
On Freedom For Women
This publication by Robin Morgan captures the sentiment of the Women’s Liberation Movement following the Miss America Pageant Protest. Like many others attest to as well, Morg
The Woman Identified Woman
The Radicalesbians identified lesbianism as the result of a woman acting on natural impulses to deviate from society and instead pursue a more liberated form of existence. Lesbianism is the product of…
The Furies- Lesbian/Feminist Monthly (1972)
In this first volume of the monthly publication by the Furies, the group introduces themselves and and their ideology, which is based on reforming the avenues taken by women in their liberation so tha…
Voice of the Women’s Liberation Movement (1969)
As the Women’s Liberation Movement widened its scope and began to see involvement in all corners of the country, it became increasingly more important to maintain a certain degree of connectedness bet…
People Don’t Get Radicalized Fighting Other People’s Battles (Redstockings, 1968)
This magazine was published by the Redstockings, a radical feminist group, as part of their Action Series. The series of writings in it contain intersectional analysis of the New Left Movement, and th…Six Steps to Abolish the Family (2019)
M. E. O’Brien’s article from the magazine Commune provides six steps for abolishing the family and beginning to provide for ourselves.
Port Huron Statement (1962)
The Port Huron Statement was published in 1962 at a United Workers Retreat in Port Huron, Michigan. It was the first time Students for a Democratic Society gathered from across the nation, and became…
The Working Woman – CPUSA – The Woman Today (1937)
In the mid-1930s, as the Communist Party in the United States attempted to navigate a complex process of self-definition, the inclusion of women in politics reflected the Party’s negotiations with reg…
The Political Invention of the Feminist Strike – L. Cavallero & V. Gago (2021)
Luci Cavallero and Verónica Gago discuss the March 8th feminist strike in Argentina in both global and historical context. They argue that the strike disrupts multiple domains of patriarchal society…
The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-Class Perspective (1981)
In 1981, Angela Davis Published “Women, Race, and Class”. The book analyzes the women’s liberation movement through the lens and intersection of racism and classism. Chapter 13, “The Approaching Obsol…