Disruptnow.org is about thinking and practicing social struggle as disruption. It contains material from past and present struggles that sought liberation not through the movement of society but in disrupting its order and operation.
This site sees disruption as one way of bridging struggles that have become increasingly isolated from one another. Disruption is as old as human domination and has been developed, adopted, and adapted by nearly every struggle seeking reprieve or freedom. The site tries to draw out these disruptive connections in order to recover their shared history.
Rather than organize by struggle, the site looks at disruption through different lenses: how struggles have sought to disrupt society (Tactics of Disruption); where they disrupted (Disrupted Spaces); what needed disrupting (Defining the Enemy); as well as the disruptive subjects (Subjectivities of Refusal) and temporalities (Time Interrupted) that emerge from it.
So take a look around, explore, and add at your desire. We have much to learn from each other
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