Violence and Class Consciousness in Revolutionary Struggle – L’Ouvrier Communiste (1930)
This document, written in 1930 by L’Ouvrier Communiste, a French political publication linked to the communist movement of the early 20th century, examines the relationship between violence and the d…
Launching Statement of the ‘Solidarity Committee with Mahalla Workers’ (2007)
This is a launching statement of the ‘Solidarity Committee with Mahalla Workers,’ formed on September 25, 2007, to express their support for the workers’ strike at the Mahalla Spinning and Weaving Com…
Communique From an Absent Future – Research and Destroy (2009)
This pamphlet critiques the modern university system, claiming that it has become a tool of capitalism designed to produce obedient workers rather than encourage independent thought or true education.…
How to Fire Your Boss: A Workers’ Guide to Direct Action – Industrial Workers of the World (1968)
This pamphlet, first released by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1968 and revised in 2022, promotes direct action as a powerful tool for workers to secure better conditions at work. It ou…
How to Sack Your Boss: A Workers’ Guide to Direct Action (n.d.)
This document is an excerpt from a worker’s guide that promotes direct action against employers. It critiques traditional resistance methods like strikes as ineffective, instead advocating for alterna…
The Cochabamba Water Wars: An Interview with Oscar Olivera (2011)
The Bolivian Water Wars were a series of protests and civil unrest against the privatization of water and rising water rates in the city of Cochabamba, primarily in 2000. This interview was conducted…
Grunwick Strike (1976-1978)
The Grunwick strike in London involved predominantly Asian women workers at Grunwick Film Processing Laboratories, led by Jayaben Desai. They went on strike demanding better working conditions, fair p…
Battle of Blair Mountain (1921)
The Battle of Blair Mountain is considered to be one of the largest civil uprisings in American history. Thousands of coal miners in Mingo County, West Virginia received terrible wages and horrendous…
Homestead Strike (1892)
The Homestead Strike of 1892, centered at Carnegie’s steel plant in Pennsylvania, marked a pivotal moment in American labor history. It erupted over wage cuts and benefit reductions, leading to a viol…
Luddites Protest (1812)
During the Industrial Revolution in England, textile workers protested against the rise of machinery that took their jobs and reduced their wages. The factory heads and upper class started to push wor…
May-Day Strike by French Postal Employees (1924)
This is a screenshot of an excerpt from a 1924 newspaper on the proposed May-Day strike by French postal workers. In an effort to obtain a raise in wages, these postal workers sought to disrupt the op…
Workers! Students! – Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire (1968)
Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire, a French Trotskyist organization, wrote this piece, describing the transition from a student revolt into a general strike of workers contesting capitalist society…
An Eyewitness Account by a Libertarian Communist (1968)
This document is a firsthand account of the events that occurred in Paris, France during the May 1968 time of unrest. The anonymous author describes the various strikes, occupations, and other actions…
Statement From Vestas Workers on Their Factory Occupation (2009)
On July 20, 2009, workers of the Vestas Wind Systems factory in Newport, Isle of Wight, occupied the factory after finding out that more than 525 jobs from both the Isle of Wight and the Southampton f…
Indonesia: PT Istana: A Factory Occupied and Producing Under Workers’ Control – Jorge Martin (2016)
This document is a written account by Jorge Martin, the International Secretary of Hands Off Venezuela, of his November 2008 visit to PT Istana, an occupied and now worker-run factory in North Jakarta…
The Socialist Labor Party – Declaration of Interdependence (1895)
This document was written by Daniel DeLeon, a prominent leader of the Socialist Labor Party, in 1895. The Socialist Labor Party sought to turn labor movements and unrest into more radical socialist re…
Proclamation of the Striking Textile Workers of Lawrence (1912)
This document is the proclamation of the striking textile workers of Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912 – known as the Bread and Roses Strike. The workers went on strike due to the low wages and long hou…
Lynching: A Weapon of National Oppression (1932)
This pamphlet was written by Harry Haywood and Milton Howard in 1932 under the direction of the Labor Research Association. The pamphlet states the causes and purposes of lynching, the organization of…
Che Guevara: “Mobilizing the Masses for the Invasion” (1961)
“Mobilising the Masses for the Invasion” was a speech given to workers prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion by Che Guevara in 1961. The speech heavily focused on Latin American solidarity against US impe…
You Don’t Have to Fuck People Over to Survive (1980)
In this book originally published in 1980, graphic artist and author Seth Tobocman attacks the politics of the Reagan Era, which led up to the Tompkins Square Riots and the formation of ACT-UP. Tobocm…
Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement (2006)
Anuradha Ghandy was a founding member of the Indian Communist Party, and strongly contributed to and drafted policy regarding the caste system in India, and the intersection between feminism and Marxi…
On the General Strike – Bill Haywood (1911)
This speech was given by Bill Haywood regarding general strikes in countries such as Italy, France, Germany, and Spain. He explains the importance and power of the general strike.
Interview with Alzada Clark – Organizing Black Women Workers (1989)
Alzada Clark organized workers – specifically Black women – in the South, established unions, and participated in the Black Power movement at large. In this interview, she discusses her experiences.
“Characteristics of the Early Factory Girls” (1898)
In this document, Harriet Hanson Robinson describes women working in factories in the 1830s in Lowell, Massachusetts – from her experience working in a factory starting at 10 years old. The Lowell Fac…
Organizing the Unemployed in the Bronx in the 1930s (1949)
This document is Rose Chernin’s account of the disruption and organizing of the unemployed through the formation of Unemployed Councils. They organized disruptions at places such as grocery stores and…
One Big Union – Industrial Workers of the World (2000)
This document, written in 2000 by the Industrial Workers of the World, outlines the organization of workers and the working class. It includes a brief historical discussion, advantages of one union an…
Preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World (1908)
The Industrial Workers of the World is a worker-led union advocating for and working towards direct action, democracy in the workplace, and unionism. This preamble to their constitution updated their…
Manifesto of the Industrial Workers of the World (1905)
The Industrial Workers of the World is a worker-led union advocating for and working towards direct action, democracy in the workplace, and unionism. This manifesto explains the power of collective me…
“Eternal Vigilance” – Minneapolis Truckers’ Strike (1934)
This document was written by James P. Cannon on August 6, 1934 during the Minneapolis Truckers’ Strike. It describes the importance of resisting the violence and remaining persistent in their demands…
Organize the Unorganized – Trade Union Educational League (1926)
The Trade Union Educational League was founded in late 1920. It was supported by the Communist Party USA and a majority of members were also members of the Communist Party USA. Its goal was to build a…
The World’s Trade Union Movement – Trade Union Educational League (1924)
The Trade Union Educational League was founded in late 1920. It was supported by the Communist Party USA and a majority of members were also members of the Communist Party USA. Its goal was to build a…
Amalgamation – Trade Union Educational League (1922)
The Trade Union Educational League was founded in late 1920. It was supported by the Communist Party USA and a majority of members were also members of the Communist Party USA. Its goal was to build a…
The Railroaders’ Next Step – Trade Union Educational League (1921)
The Trade Union Educational League was founded in late 1920. It was supported by the Communist Party USA and a majority of members were also members of the Communist Party USA. Its goal was to build a…
Self-Management and Hierarchy +1 – Cornelius Castoriadis (1974-6)
Two short articles that argue for the disruption of workplace hierarchy through worker self-management turning to the often overlooked 1956 Hungarian Uprising as example.
Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate – 2020
Ferreras, Méda, and Battilana, Covid-19 inspired Manifesto subsequently published in 43 Newspapers in 36 countries, calling for a revival of the workers councils, the decommodification of labor, and…
Poems for Workers (1920s)
This document is an anthology of poems written for the working class and dedicated to the workers’ struggle.
Letter from the Strike Committee – Lawrence, Massachusetts (1912)
This letter is from the striking textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912. It is written to the president of the American Woolen Co. William M. Wood. The letter explains that workers can no…
Our Lives are at Stake – Shell Strike (1973)
This pamphlet tells the story of the United States Shell Strike in 1973. It includes descriptions of working conditions, exploitation of workers, and the strike itself.
“The Combat is Also Ours!” – Paris (May 1968)
This document, written by the Parti Socialiste Unifié in May 1968, explains the unity between the struggles of workers and students.
“We are not a movement of an -ism” – Paris (May 1968)
In this document, students and workers in Paris in May 1968 explain that reforms are not enough. Destruction and permanent revolution is necessary for the people to prevail.
Workers, Students! – Paris (May 1968)
This document, written during the events in Paris during May 1968, calls for students and workers to continue the resistance, continue the occupations, and keep their power.
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Karl Marx
These manuscripts were complied posthumously after Marx’s death in 1932. They analyze a variety of topics, including (in this excerpt) estranged labor, private property, communism, and the power of mo…
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848)
One of the most influential documents of all time, the Communist Manifesto is an 1848 pamphlet that was written to explain class struggle and capitalism, and to summarize Marx and Engels’ theories on…
“A cop sleeps inside each one of us. We must kill him.” The graffiti of the French May 1968 Uprising
A collection of slogans spray-painted on the walls and halls of Paris – May 1968.
Processed World Magazine by Chris Carlsson, Adam Cornford, Greg Williamson (1981-2005)
Processed World Magazine was established to foster unity among office workers, temps and any creatives who were being alienated by the processed world of the workplace
bell hooks – Feminism is for Everybody (2000)
bell hooks is a feminist, professor, and activist. In 2000, she published “Feminism is for Everybody”. Key to her politics and feminist philosophy is that the overarching “enemy”/structure to dismantl…
Manifesto of the Fast Food Worker – Socialist Alternative (U.S.) (2003)
The Manifesto of the Fast Food Worker was published in 2003 by U.S. based group, the Socialist Alternative. This piece is broken into an introduction, the history and economics of the fast food indust…
SDS Fire (1969)
On December 6, 1969, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) published these writings. They cover a variety of topics including revolution, military conquest, and justice. It is a deep critique of the…
Andreas Baader: Letter to the Press (1972)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
The Urban Guerilla Concept (1971)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Ten Public Resolutions Adopted by the National Conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile (1977)
In 1973, a military coup forcefully removed democratically elected President Salvador Allende, replacing him with military dictator Augosto Pinochet. Under his military all left-wing movements were re…
The Coming Insurrection – The Invisible Committee (2009)
Now classic text by French collective – The Invisible Committee describing the present impasse through seven circles of hell and the way out through the insurrectionary commune
Hunger and Revolt – Cartoons (1935)
This book is a collection of cartoons by Jacob Burck that comment on a vide range of political and economic struggles, such as fascism, imperialism, and black liberation, but has an underlying focus c…
Anatomy of an Industrial Struggle (1976-1978)
This article was written by Garry Hill who worked at the Tonsley Park Chrysler plant in Australia in 1976 during the workers’ struggles – that he actively participated in.
The Radical Women Manifesto – Platform (2001)
The Radical Women Manifesto: Socialist Feminist Theory, Program and Organizational Structure is the manifesto of the Radical Women (RW). RW is an intersectional, multi-issue based organization rooted…
USA Communist Party: A Manual on Organization (1935)
In 1935, The Communist Party of the USA published “A Manuagl on Organization”. The document was divided by it’s preface, chapter 1 regarding party fundamentals, chapter 2 on basic principles of the pa…
CPUSA – How Class Collaboration Works (1920s)
In the 1920s, the Communist Party in the USA published a pamphlet collection titled The Little Red Library. Written by Bertram D. Wolfe, communist and scholar, “How Class Collaboration Works”, was a L…
Art Front Magazine (1937)
The Art Front was a magazine first published by the Artists Union of New York as a response to Nelson Rockefeller’s destruction of a mural by Diego Rivera in 1934. Politically, the Artists Union and t…
From Protest to Resistance (1968)
Published by leftist journalist Ulrike Meinhof, “From Protest to Resistance” aims to inspire protestors to take up more forceful resistance against the right and the state.
The Antiauthoritarian Manifesto of the Situationist Avant Garde (1961)
The Situationist International was an international organization that consisted of social revolutionaries who were also avant-garde theorists, artists, and scholars. Strongly inspired by communism, cl…
A Terrorist Call for “Building a Red Army” (1970)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Soviet Churches and Schools (1919)
Nikolai Bukharin – a Bolshevik revolutionary – discusses the need for not only economic liberation but also spiritual liberation of the working class and its party. He asserts that religion is a detri…
Sabotage – I.W.W. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1911)
In which the rebel girl describes various forms of sabotage including limiting the over-supply of workers through contraception.
The General Strike – I.W.W. ‘Big’ Bill Haywood (1911)
Delivered on the 40th anniversary of the Paris Commune, Haywood traces the history of the general strike since 1871, its use as a disruptive tactic, and its relation with the ballot
We Want to Riot, Not to Work – The Brixton Uprisings (1982)
A pamphlet giving the day by day account of the 1981 Brixton Uprisings, race tension/solidarity, and theoretical reflections on the rise of the “Impossible Class”
The Social General Strike – Stephan Naft (1905)
The social general strike will completely interrupt production in the whole country, stop communication and consumption for the ruling classes long enough to totally disorganize the capitalistic socie…