The Cochabamba Water Wars: An Interview with Oscar Olivera (2011)
The Bolivian Water Wars were a series of protests and civil unrest against the privatization of water and rising water rates in the city of Cochabamba, primarily in 2000. This interview was conducted…
The Great Berkeley Rent Strike – Berkeley Tenants Union (1969)
The Berkeley Tenants Union was established in 1969 and sought to organize low-income tenants to join in protest against rent increases, eviction, and poor housing conditions. This document is a flyer…
Dump Veolia Campaign
The BDS, Boycott Divestment and Sanctions organization, is an organization that uses tactics such as boycotting certain companies/brands to curb further investment into Israel. One of their most succe…
We Are Still Here (2009)
This is a communique from the occupation of a business administration building at San Francisco State University in the fall of 2009. Occupiers were protesting budget cuts and fee increases. In this c…
Voices from Wheeler Hall (2009)
This document contains excerpts from the zine created after the occupation of Wheeler Hall at the University of California, Berkeley on November 20, 2009. The occupation was the apex of three days of…
Yomango literally means to steal, or to shoplift. This cultural jamming movement emerged from the Mango brand, a popular clothing company. They were vehemently anti – consumerism, utilizing a tactic o…
Taking Back – Stacy Pettigrew and Skott Kellogg (2003)
Movimiento Sin Tierra (MST), also known as the Landless Workers Movement, began in Brazil and has since spread across the Americans to places like Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia. MST fights for access to l…
Breaking the Illusion of Scarcity: A Squatter’s Primer (2003)
This piece is a detailed guide on how to squat an unoccupied property. Information on how to find a place, claim squatters’ rights, gain adverse possession, and fix utilities within the space are de…
OCCUPY EVERYTHING!: California Valley Miwok Tribe Occupies Foreclosed House in Stockton – Modesto Anarcho (2009)
An interview with the California Valley Miwok Tribe in response to their occupation of their foreclosed home in Stockton, California. The group had planned to stand their ground and barricade themselv…