This pamphlet critiques the modern university system, claiming that it has become a tool of capitalism designed to produce obedient workers rather than encourage independent thought or true education.…
This pamphlet, first released by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1968 and revised in 2022, promotes direct action as a powerful tool for workers to secure better conditions at work. It ou…
This document is an excerpt from a worker’s guide that promotes direct action against employers. It critiques traditional resistance methods like strikes as ineffective, instead advocating for alterna…
Bucknell University Protests Recruitment During Vietnam War
During the Vietnam War, Bucknell University began protesting against military recruitment, especially about the U.S. Marines and Navy, during the Vietnam War
Defy The Draft – 1967
Students join protesters in New York to show off their right to have freedom of speech by defying the Vietnam draft with the burning of draft cards
Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts – Vietnam War
Black activists and students across the United States have utilized their radical groups to protest the Vietnam War
Open Letter from Students for Justice in Palestine to Universities (2024)
This letter was released by Students for Justice in Palestine on April 21, 2024. In the document, SJP lays out its mission, sets forth various demands, expresses solidarity with SJPs across the countr…
The Written Resistance #3 – Students for Justice In Palestine (2024)
This is the third edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. The importance of discomfort, the global str…
The Written Resistance #2 – Students for Justice In Palestine (2024)
This is the second edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. Smiling as an act of resistance, Palestinia…
In Defense of the Right to Free Speech and Peaceful Protest on University Campuses – American Association of University Professors (2024)
On April 29, 2024, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released a statement defending the right to free speech and peaceful protest on college campuses, condemning the militarized…
Sarayaku Court Case(2012)
The indigenous people of Sarayaku were faced with a devastating loss in 1996. The Ecuadorean state gave away a large part of their land to an oil company without consulting the people that were living…
How to Submit an Anonymous Communiqué and Get Away With It (2024)
A communiqué is a report on direct actions that is typically shared either online or in print publications. This is a guide on how to submit an anonymous communiqué online. Key terms, step-by-step i…
Street Demonstration Tips – Montreal Counter-Information (2012)
This is a detailed guide published by Montreal Counter-Information, an anarchist and anti-authoritarian news source, on how to conduct a street demonstration.
Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back (2012)
This is a guide that was distributed by anarchists during the 2012 student strikes and social conflicts in Montreal. The document provides step-by-step instructions on how to form crews, how to create…
A Call to Bucknell Faculty, Staff, and Students – Bucknell Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
This is a statement made by the Students for Justice in Palestine at Bucknell University (BUSJP), located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. The group set forth four demands for the university including disc…
The Written Resistance #1 – National Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
This is the first edition of the newsletter written by a compilation of individual authors and published by the National Students for Justice in Palestine. The right to resist, a history of the Israel…
Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine (2024)
In this piece, Palestine Solidarity Groups at Harvard University take a stand against the violence committed against Palestinians and call on the Harvard community to take action. This is a part of a…
Press Release – Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
This is a press release from the Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine’s Twitter page. In the document, the organization demands their voices be heard, likens their quest for liberation to that…
Call to Action – National Students for Justice in Palestine (2024)
This was a call to action posted on the social media accounts of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on April 19, 2024. In the document, the National SJP criticizes the decision of th…
Press Release from The New School Students for Justice in Palestine
Over the past weeks at various universities across the United States, students have erected encampments to demand action to end Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip. These protests have arisen on the camp…
The Great Berkeley Rent Strike – Berkeley Tenants Union (1969)
The Berkeley Tenants Union was established in 1969 and sought to organize low-income tenants to join in protest against rent increases, eviction, and poor housing conditions. This document is a flyer…
NAPA Demonstrates at St. Mary’s – Network Against Psychiatric Assault (1975)
This is a call to action by the Network Against Psychiatric Assault, to join them in their direct actions against the psychiatric treatment program at St. Mary’s McAuley Neuropsychiatric Institute i…
Letter Protesting Marcos’ Visit – Philippine Solidarity Network and Coalition Against the Marcos Dictatorship (1982)
This document is a letter from the Philippine Solidarity Network and Coalition Against the Marcos Dictatorship requesting support for opposing the state visit of the President of the Philippines, Ferd…
29 Ways to Say No! – John Brown Anti-Klan Committee (1989)
The John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, founded in 1978, was an anti-racist organization within the United States that took direct actions against the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organization…
Documents on Unlock Apartheid’s Jails Campaign (1987)
The Unlock Apartheid’s Jails Campaign, initiated by The Africa Fund, fought for the release of detainees and political prisoners in South Africa. This compilation of documents included a letter from…
Communique From Some Warriors in South Dakota (1975)
This document, written by Native American Warriors from South Dakota, was addressed to Prairie Fire, the Weather Underground, and all third world and anti-imperialist allies. The Native American Warri…
The Freedom Charter – South African Congress Alliance (1955)
In 1955, the African National Congress (ANC) sent out 50,000 volunteers to various townships and rural areas throughout South Africa to gather “freedom demands” from average people. The ANC was ti…
The Young Lord’s Party Redefines the War on Drugs
In a newspaper from 1971, Richie Perez from the Young Lord’s Party discusses the Nixon administration’s policies on “drug control.”
CAM Mapuche Statement (2023)
In a direct statement from CAM, they held a general meeting to discuss their organization’s updated goals and even there, they faced resistance from the Chilean government. They resisted against them…
Statement from U.S. Political Prisoners to Nelson Mandela (1990)
On June 21, 1990, U.S. political prisoners sent a statement to Nelson Mandela, who, at the time, was the Deputy Vice President of the African National Congress. In the statement, US political prisoner…
Lafchenke Machupe Resistance Sabotage
In Chile, the Machupe people are an indigenous group that have been fighting off outsider invaders to their land and livelihood for years. The Lafchenke Machupe groups are a resistance group that use…
Statement by Al-Fateh to the United Nations General Assembly (1968)
In October 1968, Al-Fateh delivered a statement at the 23rd session of the General Assembly of the UN. In this statement, Al-Fateh compared the Palestinian resistance movement to those against German…
Statement by the Leader of Iran’s Green Movement – Mir Hossein Mousavi (2023)
The Iranian Green Movement, also known as the Persian Awakening or the Persian Spring, came to existence after the June 12, 2009 Iranian Presidential Election, in which activists demanded the removal…
Communique in Support of Port Workers in Northwest – Occupy Oakland (2011)
This is a communique published by Occupy Oakland in solidarity with Longshore workers in Longview, Washington. Occupy Oakland strongly condemns the actions taken by Export Grain Terminal (EGT), as the…
Call for a Coordinated West Coast Port Blockade – Occupy Oakland (2011)
Occupy Oakland, a part of the larger Occupy Movement, published this piece calling for a blockade of all the West Coast Ports in order to shut down operations and disrupt the profits of the 1%. They r…
Message From Democracy Village (2010)
In 2010, anti-Afghanistan War activists turned Parliament Square in London into a protest camp, renaming the square “Democracy Village.” Over the course of the occupation, between May 1st and July…
Dalit Panthers Manifesto (1973)
As the quote below indicates, the Dalit Panthers were a group shaped after some of the ideologies of the Black Panthers. Dalits are know as untouchables and they are at the very bottom of the caste sy…
Declaration of the Occupation of New York City (2011)
During the aftermath of the Great Recession, between September 17 and November 15, 2011, the Occupy Wall Street movement occurred in opposition to economic inequality, corporate greed, money in politi…
Workers! Students! – Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire (1968)
Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire, a French Trotskyist organization, wrote this piece, describing the transition from a student revolt into a general strike of workers contesting capitalist society…
An Eyewitness Account by a Libertarian Communist (1968)
This document is a firsthand account of the events that occurred in Paris, France during the May 1968 time of unrest. The anonymous author describes the various strikes, occupations, and other actions…
Paris, France, beginning in May of 1968 was a city filled with general strikes, demonstrations, and occupations of universities and factories by students and workers. In this piece, the Enragé-Situat…
Sproul Hall Sit-In Address – Mario Savio (1964)
On December 2, 1964, Mario Savio, an activist and key member of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, gave an address on University of California, Berkely’s campus at the Sproul Hall sit-in. Many stude…
Lysistrata Project (2003)
In 2003, there were many protests around the war in Iraq. In a widely popular move of disruption and protest against this war, two actors in New York created a way for people across the world to show…
Civil Disobedience Toolkit – Amnesty International
Amnesty International published a detailed guide that contains instructions on when and how to carry out acts of civil disobedience. Definitions, guiding principles, information on the decision-making…
Theory of Anarchy – Edward Abbey (1988)
This piece is an excerpt from the book, One Life at a Time, Please, written in 1988 by Edward Abbey, an American author and essayist. In this excerpt, Abbey writes on the various ways in which power c…
Statement From Vestas Workers on Their Factory Occupation (2009)
On July 20, 2009, workers of the Vestas Wind Systems factory in Newport, Isle of Wight, occupied the factory after finding out that more than 525 jobs from both the Isle of Wight and the Southampton f…
Statement of Indigenous Youth Standing in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en (2020)
On February 6, 2020, Indigenous youth in Canada began their occupation of the ceremonial gates and steps to the B.C. Legislative Assembly in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation, who were resis…
100 Years of Land Struggle – Mike Gouldhawke (2020)
This document is a timeline of Native American resistance in pursuit of land and self-determination between the years of 1921-2020.
Indonesia: PT Istana: A Factory Occupied and Producing Under Workers’ Control – Jorge Martin (2016)
This document is a written account by Jorge Martin, the International Secretary of Hands Off Venezuela, of his November 2008 visit to PT Istana, an occupied and now worker-run factory in North Jakarta…
We Are Still Here (2009)
This is a communique from the occupation of a business administration building at San Francisco State University in the fall of 2009. Occupiers were protesting budget cuts and fee increases. In this c…
Voices from Wheeler Hall (2009)
This document contains excerpts from the zine created after the occupation of Wheeler Hall at the University of California, Berkeley on November 20, 2009. The occupation was the apex of three days of…
Young Lords: Armense para Defenderse
In this newspaper article, Young Lords member Juan Gonzalez identifies the enemy of the party: privatization and authority. In order to protect themselves and reject their marginalized position, Gonza…
The Young Lords Expose Murder at Lincoln Hospital
The Young Lords expose capitalism for gatekeeping food, clothing, and shelter from Puerto Rican communities, which led to Carmen Rodriguez’s necessity for abortion. The neglect in healthcare is an add…
Young Lords High School Revolt
In this document, Richie Perez from the Young Lords Party calls upon his Black and Puerto Rican community members to continue to fight for the “return of the educational system to the people.” Perez d…
The Young Lords Party: 13-Point Program and Platform
In a 13-Point Program and Platform, the Young Lords Party declared their fight for self-determination for Puerto Ricans inside and outside the United States.
Blank Panther Self-Defense Campaign
Black folks recognized that the police force was committed to “oppression, not protection” of Black bodies and communities. Therefore, they created their own alternative space and self-institutions wh…
AIDS Activism- “By Any Means Necessary”
Kirk Mason urges his AIDS negative and positive community members to refuse the governments death sentence to LGBTQ+ folks living with AIDS.
Black Panther Party’s Free Medical Clinic
The Black Panther Party created the Mark Clark Free Medical Clinic to assist Black families with gaining access to proper medical facilities. The newspaper article argues Philadelphia’s state-provided…
“We are an honorable people – can you say the same?” (1973)
This document was written by the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy in 1973. It states their solidarity with the occupation of Wounded Knee. It is written for the United States government. It addresses…
Lynching: A Weapon of National Oppression (1932)
This pamphlet was written by Harry Haywood and Milton Howard in 1932 under the direction of the Labor Research Association. The pamphlet states the causes and purposes of lynching, the organization of…
Rape Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry (1971)
In this essay, author Kay Potter recounts her personal experiences with reporting her rape, and the arrest and prosecution that followed. Interrupting the sequence of events with her current analysis…
Angela Davis – Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex (2000)
In this document, Angela Davis analyzes the Prison Industrial Complex, specifically the privatization of and profits from prisons, the ways that it is portrayed to citizens, and how it reinforces raci…
The Catastrophe of Liberation by Herbert Marcuse (1964)
an excerpt from Marcuse’s 1964 book, One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Marcuse critiques both capitalism and Soviet communism for social repression. This cha…
Resistance #5 by ELF
The publication Resistance featured the ELF three times. This third feature continues to tell the story of how the ELF was targeted by the FBI and the US government.
Guerilla News Network Interview of ELF (Spring 2002)
an interview by the Guerilla News Network, a privately owned network that tried to expose important global issues
Self-Management and Hierarchy +1 – Cornelius Castoriadis (1974-6)
Two short articles that argue for the disruption of workplace hierarchy through worker self-management turning to the often overlooked 1956 Hungarian Uprising as example.
Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate – 2020
Ferreras, Méda, and Battilana, Covid-19 inspired Manifesto subsequently published in 43 Newspapers in 36 countries, calling for a revival of the workers councils, the decommodification of labor, and…
Ursula Le Guin – NBA Speech (2014)
“We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often…
Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey – Brandon Jourdan (2013)
Short documentary filmed at the height of the 2013 Turkish Uprising focusing on the liberated zone of Taksim Square and the neighborhood assemblies in its aftermath.
“We are not a movement of an -ism” – Paris (May 1968)
In this document, students and workers in Paris in May 1968 explain that reforms are not enough. Destruction and permanent revolution is necessary for the people to prevail.
Workers, Students! – Paris (May 1968)
This document, written during the events in Paris during May 1968, calls for students and workers to continue the resistance, continue the occupations, and keep their power.
Occupy Wall Street – Students (2011)
This document declares the occupation of student, university spaces during Occupy Wall Street.
Third Statement on Uprisings in Turkey (2013)
This statement, written by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF – Revolutionary Anarchist Action), discusses the ongoing occupations in Gezi Park and Taksim Square, particularly the police violence agains…
Fourth Statement on Uprisings in Turkey (2013)
This statement, issued by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF – Revolutionary Anarchist Action), describes the uprisings that spread across Turkey in 2013. It includes details of violence that protestors…
Sixth Statement on Uprisings in Turkey (2013)
This statement, made by the Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF – Revolutionary Anarchist Action) describes occupations and uprisings in Turkey, including Gezi Park. It is an account of actions, motivati…
Democracy is Nothing if it is not Dangerous by Carl Oglesby (1965)
Carl Oglesby was the president of SDS from 1965 to 1966. He gave this speech in response to an editorial that criticized the SDS for “welcoming” communisits.
Communique 4 From The Weather Underground(1970)
This communication from the Weather Underground was published on Sept 15, 1970 and explains how they helped political prisoner Dr. Timothy Leary escape.
Communique 2 From The Weather Underground (1970)
This communication from the Weather Underground was published on June 9, 1970 and takes responsibility for the bombing of a police headquarters.
Weatherman edited by Harold Jacobs (1970)
This book details the founding of the Weather Underground, as well as strategies for accomplishing their goals.
You Do Need A Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows by Shin’ya Ono (1969)
“What I would like to go into here is how the Chicago action, and the Weatherman logic behind it, made, and still makes, compelling sense…”
Brochure by the Weather Underground (1969)
This is an organizing pamphlet written by the Weather Underground for a November 15, 1969 anti-war demonstration.
You Don’t Need a Weatherman To Know Which Way the Wind Blows by the Weather Underground (1969)
This position paper was distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago on June 18, 1969.
Let Us Shape the Future by Carl Oglesby (1965)
On November 27, 1965, the new president of Students for a Democratic Society, Carl Oglesby, gave a response to Paul Potter’s speech of the previous April.
A Critical Phenomonology of Solitary Confinement by Lisa Guenther (2013)
In this introduction to her book Solitary Confinement: Social Death and Its Afterlives, Guenther defines soiltary confinement as a kind of social death, looking at the experience of prisoners in the e…
A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority (1967) by RESIST
This document was written by the group RESIST, which was a collective group formed in response to the growing unrest in the US surrounding the Vietnam War. It was disseminated by Marcus Raskin, Dr. Be…
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848)
One of the most influential documents of all time, the Communist Manifesto is an 1848 pamphlet that was written to explain class struggle and capitalism, and to summarize Marx and Engels’ theories on…
The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche (1887)
This book by Nietzsche consists of a preface and three treatises that trace the evolution of morality, specifically with a view towards Christianity and Judiasm.
One Fine Day by Klaas Bense (2011)
The following video is an excerpt that follows Maria Jesus Sanhueza, a student protester during the 2006 Penguin Revolution in Chile.
“A cop sleeps inside each one of us. We must kill him.” The graffiti of the French May 1968 Uprising
A collection of slogans spray-painted on the walls and halls of Paris – May 1968.
Temporary Autonomous Zone – Hakim Bey (1985)
Anarchist text by Hakim Bey about creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control. From Pirate Utopias to Nomadic Bands, Poetic Terrorism to Ontological Anarchy, Hakim Bey draws on h…
Raise Three Fingers for Democracy (2021)
This website was created by Myanmar artists as a way to unify the global art community in support of the protesters in Myanmar
Eviction Defense Toolkit – Anti-Eviction Network – 2020
Step by step guide on organizing an eviction defense including direct actions against Banks, Police, Judges, and Corporate Property Managers.
CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) Demands – 2020
The Demands of the police-free Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone established in Seattle, USA on 8 June during the height of the 2020 Black Lives Matter Uprising. These included the abolition of the city’s…
Power Anywhere Where There’s People! (1969)
The Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California, in 1966, and originally was called The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. It was a militant, leftist group in support of Black Liberation…
In Defense of Self Defense (1967)
The Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California, in 1966, and originally was called The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. It was a militant, leftist group in support of Black Liberation…
Statement to the Red Aid Teach-In (1972)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Andreas Baader: Letter to the Press (1972)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
The Urban Guerilla Concept (1971)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Stanford “Disorientation Guide” (2005)
Published in 2005 by student activists, this Stanford University “Disorientation Guide” did an in depth analysis of the history of Standford Unviersity in relation to racism, sexism, and capitalism.
Port Huron Statement (1962)
The Port Huron Statement was published in 1962 at a United Workers Retreat in Port Huron, Michigan. It was the first time Students for a Democratic Society gathered from across the nation, and became…
The Coming Insurrection – The Invisible Committee (2009)
Now classic text by French collective – The Invisible Committee describing the present impasse through seven circles of hell and the way out through the insurrectionary commune
The Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide – MTL Counter Info (2012)
How to occupy a building. Tips and tactics on entry, sealing the building, access, and defense against eviction.
A Recipe for Nocturnal Direct Actions! – MTL Counter-Info (2017)
Step-by-Step guide for covering your tracks including scouting, prep, CCTV evasion, DNA Forensics, and arrest.
Hunger and Revolt – Cartoons (1935)
This book is a collection of cartoons by Jacob Burck that comment on a vide range of political and economic struggles, such as fascism, imperialism, and black liberation, but has an underlying focus c…
Anatomy of an Industrial Struggle (1976-1978)
This article was written by Garry Hill who worked at the Tonsley Park Chrysler plant in Australia in 1976 during the workers’ struggles – that he actively participated in.
Defend the Territory – Warrior Publications (2014)
Tactics and Techniques for Countering Police Assaults on Indigenous Communities. Covers everything from evading police and crowd control tactics including chemical weapons, water cannons, and armored…
“Student Slain” Flyer (1967)
In 1967, student Benno Ohnesorg was killed at a protest against the Shah of Iran visiting Germany. Shocked by his killing by the police, the German Social Democratic Student Association (SHB) released…
From Protest to Resistance (1968)
Published by leftist journalist Ulrike Meinhof, “From Protest to Resistance” aims to inspire protestors to take up more forceful resistance against the right and the state.
The Antiauthoritarian Manifesto of the Situationist Avant Garde (1961)
The Situationist International was an international organization that consisted of social revolutionaries who were also avant-garde theorists, artists, and scholars. Strongly inspired by communism, cl…
A Terrorist Call for “Building a Red Army” (1970)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
Occupy Oakland: The Port Shutdown – Jack Gerson (2012)
Gerson discusses the transition of Occupy Movement from occupation of Public Squares to Port Blockades and the disruption of global commodity circulation.
The Political Invention of the Feminist Strike – L. Cavallero & V. Gago (2021)
Luci Cavallero and Verónica Gago discuss the March 8th feminist strike in Argentina in both global and historical context. They argue that the strike disrupts multiple domains of patriarchal society…
Soviet Churches and Schools (1919)
Nikolai Bukharin – a Bolshevik revolutionary – discusses the need for not only economic liberation but also spiritual liberation of the working class and its party. He asserts that religion is a detri…
A Letter to All Defenders of the Revolution – Paris Commune (1871)
This letter, written in 1871, calls on “the republicans of the world” to support the Paris Commune and rise up against the common enemy.
Essay on Liberation by Herbert Marcuse (1969)
In 1969, German-American philosopher Herbert Marcuse wrote “The Essay on Liberation”, an essay in which he expressed his support for liberation movements such as that in Vietnam. Marcuse drew inspirat…
We Want to Riot, Not to Work – The Brixton Uprisings (1982)
A pamphlet giving the day by day account of the 1981 Brixton Uprisings, race tension/solidarity, and theoretical reflections on the rise of the “Impossible Class”