Violence and Class Consciousness in Revolutionary Struggle – L’Ouvrier Communiste (1930)
This document, written in 1930 by L’Ouvrier Communiste, a French political publication linked to the communist movement of the early 20th century, examines the relationship between violence and the d…
Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism – Vietnam War
The Weather Underground Organization analyzes the significance of the Vietnamese victory over U.S. imperialism
Communique From an Absent Future – Research and Destroy (2009)
This pamphlet critiques the modern university system, claiming that it has become a tool of capitalism designed to produce obedient workers rather than encourage independent thought or true education.…
Radical Women Manifesto – Radical Women Publications (1975)
Radical Women, founded in 1967 in Seattle, Washington, is a revolutionary faction within the women’s movement and a prominent feminist voice on the Left. The organization fights against racism, sexism…
On Pilgrimage – Dorothy Day Against the Vietnam War
Dorothy Day expresses her sorrow and outrage against the Vietnam War and calls to Christians and Catholics to band together against it
The Ally – Vietnam War Newspaper 1968
The Ally, a newspaper directed toward the social, political, and humanitarian impacts of the war, provides an interview of a soldier and his interactions while in Vietnam
Vietnam War or McNamara’s War? – 1964

Sarayaku Court Case(2012)
The indigenous people of Sarayaku were faced with a devastating loss in 1996. The Ecuadorean state gave away a large part of their land to an oil company without consulting the people that were living…
Young Lords Student Conference
The Young Lords established the first National Puerto Rican Student Conference, which debuted on September 22nd at Columbia University. This event marked the first nationwide consciousness-raising ev…
The Freedom Charter – South African Congress Alliance (1955)
In 1955, the African National Congress (ANC) sent out 50,000 volunteers to various townships and rural areas throughout South Africa to gather “freedom demands” from average people. The ANC was ti…
Declaration of the Occupation of New York City (2011)
During the aftermath of the Great Recession, between September 17 and November 15, 2011, the Occupy Wall Street movement occurred in opposition to economic inequality, corporate greed, money in politi…
The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism (Audre Lorde, 1981)
In this piece from Audre Lorde, a renowned intersectional feminist/activist, she offers the use of anger as a unifying force for women across the lines of race. White women struggled to understand the…
Health and Heath Care: A Need for Latino Unity
In August 1981, the Young Lords called upon Latino health professional workers in a consciousness-raising effort to discuss the healthcare of the Latino community in the United States.
Women’s Liberation Aims to Free Men Too (Gloria Steinem, 1970)
There is a common misconception that the struggle for women’s rights is solely beneficial for women. This narrative is oftentimes pushed by institutions and key actors that know if the everyday man is…
Barbarous Rituals: 84 Ways To Feminize Humans (1972)
This anonymous collection of statements cuts straight to the core of gender as a social construct and the ways in which women are brought up to act/think in a specific manner. Through these descriptio…
There Was A Young Woman Who Swallowed a Lie (Meredith Tax, 1972)
This series of cartoons produced by the Women’s Liberation Movement holds a deeper meaning and purpose of consciousness raising. It illustrates the standards that women were forced to adhere to and ho…
Creation of the Malcolm X Center for Black Youth
The Black Panther Party created the Malcolm X Center to counter drug abuse, dropout, and illiteracy rates among Black teenagers.
The Sixties Speak to the Eighties (Redstockings, 1983)
The Redstockings are a radical feminist group that emerged partly out of the Women’s Liberation Movement. In this speech, Kathie Sarachild, a prominent activist and leader within the Redstockings, ref…
AIDS Activism- “By Any Means Necessary”
Kirk Mason urges his AIDS negative and positive community members to refuse the governments death sentence to LGBTQ+ folks living with AIDS.
The Construction of Lay Expertise (1995)

The Enemy Within (1970)
This document was written by Susan Brownmiller in 1970. She discusses the ways in which women have internalized sexism and patriarchal expectations – for themselves and for other women. She explores t…
“We are Power” – John Trudell (1980)
John Trudell, an active member of the indigenous struggle, gave this speech on July 18, 1980 at the Black Hills Survival Gathering. In his speech, he speaks of oppression, power, and liberation.
How to Master Secret Work (1985)
This pamphlet was published by the Communist Party of South Africa in 1985. It explains the benefits and importance of secrecy in revolutions. Additionally, it highlights the steps to set up secret ne…
“Two Military Operations in the Heart of the Beast” Democratic Palestine (1984)
“Democratic Palestine” was a publication started in 1979 with the intention of cultivating solidarity among all global struggles against imperialism in the context of Palestine. This issue, “Two Milit…
See Red Women’s Workshop (1972)
In 1972, See Red Women’s Workshop was founded as a feminist organization committed to combatting sexist images of women in the media by replacing them with more empowering alternatives. Feminist activ…
Miss America Protest Songs
The 1968 protest against the Miss America Pageant utilized many disruption tactics, the most well-known of which was a “Freedom Trash Can” used for burning items that the protestors deemed as oppressi…
Radical Education Project (1966)
This document is the introduction to the Radical Education Project. It includes their objectives, beliefs, and an invitation for those also interested in accomplishing the goals they outlined. Their o…
The World’s Trade Union Movement – Trade Union Educational League (1924)
The Trade Union Educational League was founded in late 1920. It was supported by the Communist Party USA and a majority of members were also members of the Communist Party USA. Its goal was to build a…
Amalgamation – Trade Union Educational League (1922)
The Trade Union Educational League was founded in late 1920. It was supported by the Communist Party USA and a majority of members were also members of the Communist Party USA. Its goal was to build a…
Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate – 2020
Ferreras, Méda, and Battilana, Covid-19 inspired Manifesto subsequently published in 43 Newspapers in 36 countries, calling for a revival of the workers councils, the decommodification of labor, and…
The Philippine Communist Party: Establish Underground Local Governments (1950)
As a way to overthrow the imperialist rule by both American and Japanese governments that had persisted in the Philippines for years, the Philippine Communist Party encouraged citizens to form local u…
Extinction Rebellion (2018-now)
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a decentralized global protest group dedicated to raising awareness for biodiviersity loss and climate change, as well as persuading governments to enact policies that res…
The Red Rebel Brigade (2019-now)
We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in, we make a bubble and calm the storm, we are peace in the midst of war. We are who the people have forg…
Introduction to Anarchy Comics by Jay Kinney (2012)
Anarchy Comics is a series of underground comic books that were anarchist and satirical, criticising mainstream society.
Anarchy Comics: Issue 1 by Jay Kinney (1978)
Anarchy Comics is a series of underground comic books that were anarchist and satirical, criticising mainstream society.
Processed World Magazine by Chris Carlsson, Adam Cornford, Greg Williamson (1981-2005)
Processed World Magazine was established to foster unity among office workers, temps and any creatives who were being alienated by the processed world of the workplace
A Critique of the Miss America Pageant (1968)
The Miss America Pageant Protest marked a turning point for the Women’s Liberation Movement, because the media coverage of the event itself exposed the American public to the existence of the movement…
SDS Fire (1969)
On December 6, 1969, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) published these writings. They cover a variety of topics including revolution, military conquest, and justice. It is a deep critique of the…
Statement to the Red Aid Teach-In (1972)
Between 1970 and 1998, the Anti-Fascist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialism, Communist leftist militia The Red Army Faction was labeled as a terrorist organization in first West Germany, and then unifi…
A Woman’s Guide to Stanford (1986)
The Women’s Guide to Stanford Collective was an organization of women at Stanford University who would yearly publish handbooks of what were essentially survival guides to being a woman at the univers…
The Wretched of the Earth – Conclusion (1961)
Frantz Fanon – who was born in the French colony Martinique – extensively wrote about decolonization. According to Fanon, decolonization is always a violent process. The violence involved in decoloniz…
The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House (1984)
In 1984, In 1985, feminist, civil rights activist, and librarian Audre Lorde published “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”. The essay argued for the dismantling of the current…
CPUSA – How Class Collaboration Works (1920s)
In the 1920s, the Communist Party in the USA published a pamphlet collection titled The Little Red Library. Written by Bertram D. Wolfe, communist and scholar, “How Class Collaboration Works”, was a L…
The Working Woman – CPUSA – The Woman Today (1937)
In the mid-1930s, as the Communist Party in the United States attempted to navigate a complex process of self-definition, the inclusion of women in politics reflected the Party’s negotiations with reg…
I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities (1985)
In 1985, feminist, civil rights activist, and librarian Audre Lorde published “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities”. The essay was centered around organizing black women in the…
The Redstockings Manifesto (1970)
Founded in 1969 in New York City, The Redstockings, short for Redstockings of the Women’s Liberation Movement, published their manifesto in 1970. The radical feminist group mobilized women primarily t…
The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-Class Perspective (1981)
In 1981, Angela Davis Published “Women, Race, and Class”. The book analyzes the women’s liberation movement through the lens and intersection of racism and classism. Chapter 13, “The Approaching Obsol…